
EBNT offers customized solar and wind solutions for your agricultural needs. We assess your electricity consumption, facility use patterns and other relevant variables to provide the most suitable solar equipment and installation. We also offer maintenance plans to ensure you get the most out of your investment in solar and wind power.


Cultivating the Future

Agricultural businesses have shown a substantial pace of interest in adopting solar energy as a source of electricity. Recent technological advancements have spurred this enthusiasm. Solar and Wind energy is an attractive investment option, which should not come as a surprise given that it is significantly more cost-effective than fossil fuels. In addition, solar and wind energy has the additional benefit of having predictable energy bills for decades to come, which is a significant advantage. Because of the abundance of sunlight and wind, state programs, and federal incentives, the possibility of lowering or getting rid of one's monthly energy bills has immediate benefits for one's bottom line and has a very quick payback time.

After installing solar panels or wind turbines, you will no longer be at the discretion of your utility company in the event of a power outage due to drought or other natural disasters. In addition, the local and regional economies may benefit from agricultural activities that shift to sustainable energy.

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A new field called agrivoltaics is looking at ways to put solar panels on farmland without hurting the land's ability to grow crops. This would let farmers grow crops while making clean energy. Growing plants beneath photovoltaic screens may provide a unique combination of agricultural and environmental benefits. For instance, the soil might hold more water due to the shadowing the panels provide, necessitating less watering. Moreover, panels may protect crops from hailstorms, high winds, and severe cold and heat, minimizing their vulnerability to extreme weather events. There is also evidence that solar panels help certain crops grow faster, stronger, and longer, especially in hotter, drier growing locations. As the planet's already hot and sunny regions get even hotter and brighter, the consequences for the climate, crops and farmers themselves are considerable.
